Sunday, July 09, 2006


I gave form to a part of my soul…….
I wrote my heart out…..
Content being my dormant goal……..

I wrote……I wrote…I wrote……
Which at the end became…..
My baby……
My signature prose……

I cared not for the pitch dark outside….
And cared not for the dogs that howled…..

I cared not for the spookiness of the night…..
I cared only to bare my soul…….

And when after giving the finishing touches,
I pressed the key to my salvation………

I lost my baby to the infinite space.
My heart cried out being desperate…

The net had snatched my baby away…….
In a most distressfully deceitful way…….

First it raped me till it had its fill…….
And then left hurriedly…….
With the consequence of its sin……………


Blogger ashona111 said...

whatever u have meant by ur baby .... may be ur peace of mind , ur prcious time or ur simplicity ... it seems u have been hurt by interneting ...

can i guess ???

not clear though ... will u throw some lights ???

5:26 PM  
Blogger ashona111 said...

i want to tag u ...

follow the link ... and just write as i have done ...

6:02 PM  
Blogger wildflower said...

wait,is the baby your blog?
if it is so...then it was the same here ,all of us were distaught kinda, when they banned blogspot!!!absolutely ridiculous !

and dint u see,i had named that piece "not original"it has nothing to wid me...

4:50 AM  
Blogger Akanksha Jain said...

You have been able to express your thoughts very eloquently.

10:26 PM  

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